Summer Eating for the Elderly

Summer Eating for the Elderly

Older people eat what they eat for a variety of reasons. Maybe it’s food they’ve been eating their whole life, maybe it’s all they can afford, maybe they have forgotten how to make nutritious meals or have forgotten about foods they used to love. Have a talk with their doctor before proceeding with a nutrition plan. Medications or health issues may determine some guidelines to get you started. Call At Home Senior Care for assistance with your loved one.

Identify What They Like

Once you know what they need, a good start in identifying what they like is to offer them a variety of foods. Displaying different types of fruits gives them the opportunity to choose what they like. Apples, bananas, oranges, melons and grapes are a good start. That way they can choose what they like. Eating healthy has benefits including increased mental alertness, resistance to disease and illness and higher energy levels. At Home Senior Care skilled nursing care Newton can help you make healthy choices for your loved one.

Make Sure They Eat Veggies

Vegetables are another good choice. Some canned options are okay just make sure there is no added salt. Looking in the frozen section at the grocery store is a good option too. Frozen vegetables are a cheaper alternative to fresh and are still a healthy choice. Again, provide a variety and figure out what they like. Be creative and provide different vegetables at meals.

Summer Snack Bags

Making snack bags is an excellent way to provide nutritious foods that are just an arm’s reach away. Try bagging up; cherry tomatoes, celery sticks, baby carrots, almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews or popcorn. Granola bars, string cheese, yogurt and cottage cheese are other easy to grab options. At Home Senior Care Newton, we know a variety of ways keep your loved ones healthy, safe and comfortable. Caring for Seniors in Newton is our specialty!

Some easy summer recipes:

Puffed Wheat Parfait
1/4 cup strawberries
1/4 cup blueberries
1/2 cup of yogurt
1 cup puffed wheat

1 lb. ripe tomatoes or 1 lg. can tomatoes
1 onion, peeled
1 cucumber, peeled, halved and seeded
1/2 green pepper, seeded
1 clove garlic, seeded and crushed
1 c. tomato juice
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1/4 c. olive oil
Cayenne pepper

Cut vegetables into chunks and put in blender with garlic and tomato juice a little at a time. Season to taste. Refrigerate until chilled.