Caring Medication Management Services
When you or a loved one are sick you cant always remember which pills to take, the dosage, or when to take them. Our medication management services helps keep medication dosage and frequency in check so that you or your loved on can be safe and avoid further health problems.
For seniors that want to continue to live independently in their home, these services are essential. Given the number of meds some seniors are required to take, and the detailed instructions often involved, it is understandable that they can be confused.
It is for this reason that we offer assistance with Medication management services for seniors. This program helps seniors who are not able to safely take their meds but want to remain living independently.
Caring Medical Staff
Our caring medical staff assist seniors with medication management services. In addition, they help with other medical needs such as diabetes management and care, pain management, wound care, preventing pressure ulcers, insulin therapy, infection control and other Nursing Services.
If you are concerned about your loved one's ability to manage their medications- contact us at 617-663-4881 to set up an appointment.